Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 6

For my logo, I chose the iconic Mortal Kombat dragon logo. Anyone that is familiar with the franchise will immediately recognize this graphic. One reason is due to its longevity. The same graphic has been used since the first iteration of the game, up to the present with the introduction of "Mortal Kombat 2011". The logo is very simple, yet visually pleasing, and because it has such a good deign, many iterations of it have been created over they years; and every time, you can still recognize it as the same graphic that was used in 1992 (when the first Mortal Kombat game came out). Although the graphic doesn't really say much about the product at first glance, when one becomes immersed with the game's story, it makes sense. I feel that the colours work well with the franchise, as it gives a hellish atmosphere; very fitting of Mortal Kombat.

The website I chose was a marketing site for Honda, and it displays various statistics in Japan using simple shapes and colours. What struck me most about this site was that it was extremely visually pleasing, despite the fact that the only shapes used were coloured lines and circles. The animation were smooth and expressive, and the music helped to create a fun atmosphere. As with most good websites, there was also a great deal of interactivity. One notable, but very small example would be on the home page, where we are presented with the title, "DOTS". As you hover your mouse across the text, you are rewarded with a cool little animation. Little things like this make user experiences that much better.

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