Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Web 2.0 Characteristics

1) Dynamic Content: A good example of this would be any forum website. The content that you get from these sites are all generated by the user, and they can be easily changed, edited and replied to within seconds. These forums show how information on the web is no longer just static information, but rather, a gathering of information that can be added to by millions of other people.

2) User Contribution: On the website Newgrounds, people can upload their work and have it rated + critiqued. By allowing people to rate these things, people can begin to find out what works and what doesn't work in their piece.

3)Social Media: As of now, Facebook is one of the best examples for Social media. Through it, people can connect with each other all over the world. Your personal information can be sent to anybody with your permission, and links from other websites can be posted on Facebook, allowing even more connection.

4) Online Applications: Software like the Zoho Writer word processor is an application that downloads itself upon visiting the website. This allows the user to view the content of the page without having to download something beforehand, increasing it's availability to users.

5) Harnessing Collective intelligence: tagging is an extremely useful thing, as it allows websites such as youtube and newgrounds to use it's "recommended videos" feature. Not only does tagging allow people to find things they're interested in easily, it also allows the computer to "learn" what you like and dislike. If you tend to search "cheese" a lot, then in the recommended videos section, clips with the tag "cheese" in it will be provided.

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